

This is my first blog! I’m enthusiastically working on building my own website. I’m eager to fill it with captivating content as quickly as I can. I have a strong desire to share my knowledge wit...

Semiconductor Manufacturing Process

***This article is intended for non-commercial research and private study. Introduction The semiconductor manufacturing process can be divided into three main areas: the design, front-end, and bac...

Blogs recommended

Personal blog: Lil’Log: ML notes sharing Jay Alammar: Visualize and explain machine learning concepts Benny’s Mind Hack 阮一峰的网络日志 Machine learning material: Paper with code: Browse State-of-...

Website Development

开发一个和本网站一样的Github page。Using the Jekyll theme Chirpy. Prerequisites 首先申请一个github的账号,然后安装以下软件,fork随意。 Git, Node.js, Ruby, Fork git主要命令解释。 git fetch: 从远程获取代码库 git pull: ...

Semiconductor Basic Knowledge

***This article is intended for non-commercial research and private study. Introduction A semiconductor is a substance that possesses both the characteristics of a conductor, allowing electricity t...

Some tips for becoming a data scientist

This post is intended for my friend, Liu. A data scientist is a skilled professional who utilizes their expertise in statistics, mathematics, programming, and domain knowledge to extract insights ...

Begin your Machine Learning journey with this step-by-step guide

Simply Chinese version: Machine learning for beginners 機械学習を学ぶためのロードマップ 機械学習や深層学習は、人工知能の分野で重要な役割を果たしています。機械学習や深層学習は、コンピュータが膨大な量のデータを分析し、そのパターンを見つけることで、自動化、最適化、予測などの問題を解決することができます。 これにより、半導体...


Want to travel around the world! Places I have visited in Japan, update Continuously.